OEM & ODM production

Daedong Korea ginseng Co., Ltd. provides safe and high quality products to customers through ODM and OEM systems.



Original Development Manufacturing
This is a self-developed order production system that responsibly controls product planning, development, production, quality control and shipment.

ODM Process

Market research and demand review





Advertisement deliberation

Ordering & storing raw (subsidiary) materials

Production & inspection of products





Original Equipment Manufacturing
It is a consigned production system that produces products according to customer’s needs and provides the products with the original equipment (order’s own label).

OEM Process




Advertisement deliberation


Ordering & storing raw (subsidiary) materials

Production & inspection of products





Daedong Korea Ginseng Co., Ltd. is equipped with various facilities that follow the characteristics of each product, capacity and product type, and charging equipment for manufacturing capsules, tablets, fruit granules, powder of solid formulation, liquefied extractconcentrate, and root ginseng.

Satisfy the needs of clients (ordering companies)
with OEM/ODM products and various product types


Health functional foods and health oriented foods

Advantages : GMP, HACCP certified red ginseng manufacture and processing specialist firm
Functionality : Change in the awareness of health functional food from the following aspects-economics, society and consumption pattern.
Intention point : The manufacture and supply of highquality health food that matches the well-being trend.

Whole Ginseng

Advantages : GAP certification, stable procurement of raw hemp (red ginseng, white ginseng, taegeuk ginseng, and black ginseng)
Functionality : Change to a pattern of no artificial additives that exclude chemical additives in the consumption pattern.
Intention point : Internationally recognized branded goods, Korean ginseng



Various Product Types

On the foundation of its research power and the know-how it has accumulated for a long time in the business world of health functional foods, red and whole ginseng processing, Daedong Korea Ginseng Co., Ltd. has been developing products that offer customer satisfaction with OEM and the differentiated, new ODM concept.


Scope of production

whole ginseng(root ginseng), health functional foods, processed foods in general, other food types, raw material products for Oriental medicine, toll processing of the raw material of processed products

Production types

capsules, tablets, powder, fruit granules, fluidized bed fruit granules, liquid (pouch), extract, pills, tea, SD powder, high viscosity liquid, fermentation, and others.

Production packaging

PTP(softness/hardness/purification), bottle packaging(PE/glass), stick packaging, three-sided packaging, four-sided packaging, configuration packaging, standing, can packaging, and other packaging types.